Hylocereus undatus Rose.& Britton(Haw.)- Buah Naga Bahasa Indonesia klik di sini
undatus Rose.& Britton(Haw.)- Dragon Fruit 

Source: Private document, 2022

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Trancheophyta
Subphylum: Angiosperms
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Cactaeae
Genus: Hylocereus
Spesies: Hylocereus undatus Rose.& Britton(Haw.)
(Britton & Bermuda, 1918)


Source: Private document, 2022

Hylocereus undatus Rose. & Britton(Haw.) or known as the Buah Naga (dragon fruit) by the Indonesian has roots, stems, thorns, flowers, and fruits. The roots are fibrous that grow on the back of the fins at the corners of the trunk. On its thorns will produce flowers that will develop into fruit. For the red and white dragon fruit, the color of the fruit skin is lit red; for the black dragon fruit, the skin is dark red; while, for the yellow dragon fruit, the fruit skin is yellow (Cahyati et al., 2011). 

Distribution & Habitat
Dragon fruit is originally from tropical countries, Mexico, Central America and South America. Nowadays , this plant is widely cultivated in several tropical countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, and Malaysia (Cahyati et al., 2011).

Dragon fruit contains vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, and carbohydrates. In addition, this dragon fruit is rich in fibers that are able to bind carsinogens which cause cancer (Thirugnanasambandam & Sivakumar, 2017).

According to Cahyati et al., (2011), the type of cactus has a lot of benefits, especially its fruits. Dragon fruit is believed to lower cholesterol, to expedite the digestive process and to control blood sugar. In addition, the fruit can be used to increase endurance and body metabolism, reduce hypertension and fat levels, and neutralize toxins in the body.

Cahyati I., Ratnaningsih N., Widi H.T.H. Teknologi Pengolahan Buah Naga dan Diversifikasi Produk Olahannya Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Jiwa Kewirausahaan di SMK Agroindustri.

Thirugnanasambandham, K., V. Sivakumar. 2017. Microwave assisted extraction process of betalain from dragon fruit and its antioxidant activities. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. 16 (1): 41-48.